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Thefirst Graduation Ceremony of the International Students
2018-10-15 16:00  

On the morningof 23rd, June. 8.2017, the first batch international students of ouruniversity attended the school’s ceremony of graduation and degree awarding. Theparticipants includes all the school leaders, all the members of the School’sAcademic Degree Evaluation Committee, the teachers in charge of party andadministrative affairs of the teaching departments, the administrators of eachdepartments, the representatives of the graduates of the year 2017 and theparents of some graduates, and the representatives of some sophomore and junior.All the school leaders attended to award the graduates their degree.

All the schoolleaders awarding Senmanglakone Somhack(Chinese name phonetically: Song Han) andother 7 Laotian students with Bachelor’s degree.

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